Isoline Slice: draw a set of contour levels on a slice through a field


Isoline Slice: draw a set of contour levels on a slice through a field


         Mike French (Evans & Sutherland)


     Name:        Isoline Slice




      data field     field 2D scalar real 3-space
                                 uniform or irregular
				 maximum dimensions 100x100
                  colormap       colormap (optional)
                  levels         field 1D uniform scalar float (optional)


     contours       geometry 
                  name           type     default      choice list
		  ----           ----     -------      -----------


  offset flag    choice   'no offset'  'no offset' 
						       '+ & -'
                                                    min      max
					            ---      ---
                  offset value   real     0.0035    0.0005   0.0050
                  N contours     integer  10        2        20


     A set of contour levels are drawn on a slice through a field.
     The field input must be a slice through a uniform or irregular 3D grid. 
     If the field is uniform, the plane of the output contour geometry 
     will have its correct position in 3D space.
     The data values for the contours are taken from the 'levels' input field.
     If this input is not present, then the range of the data field input is
     divided equally to generate N contour levels. There are always at least
     two contours. If the levels are generated locally then the first and last 
     contour levels are always at the minimum and maximum data values, so these
     will never be seen. This method is used for compatability with the 
     ISOBAND SLICE module. If the levels are generated in an INTERVALS FIELD
     module, the local 'N' control parameter is removed.
     If the colourmap input is not connected the contours will be black.
     If a colour map is present then the field data range is mapped on 
     to the colour value range. If the colour value range has been set 
     using the 'color range' module on the same data input field, the ranges 
     will match exactly: the lowest valued contour line is given the first 
     colour index; and the highest valued contour line given the last colour
     index. If the colour value range is completely within the field data 
     range, there may be duplicated colours at the bottom and top of the range.
     If the field data range is completely within the colour value range, the 
     contour colours will be a restricted subset of the full gamut of colours.
     If the input field is uniform, the displacement will be perpendicular to
     the slice, if it is irregular, each vertex of the contour will be offset
     along the local vertex normal. The vertex normal is approximated by the 
     normal of a virtual patch comprising the four nearest neighbour vertices.
     The offsets allow contour to be superimposed on a polygonal representation
     of the slice. The contour lines can be offset in either direction, or in 
     both directions by drawing a duplicate set. The magnitude of the offset 
     can also be controlled, this is expressed as a fraction of the geometrical
     extent of the data input field. The default value (0.0035) will be 
     generous for most viewing conditions, when zooming on a small region the 
     offset should be reduced, when viewing the whole slice tilted at a shallow
     angle, the offset should be increased. If the flag is set to 'no offset'
     the offset value parameter dial is removed. [ Always have the camera 
     z-buffer of the Geometry Viewer switched to multipass (light-blue ball) 
     when viewing anti-aliased contour lines over polygons. ]
     Here is a schematic representation of the offset parameters :
     +ve direction perpendicular 
    to the slice OR vertex normal
                     |                 =======         =======     /\  offset
        plane of ----+-----  ========= - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \/  value
       the slice     |                         ======= =======
                           'no offset'    '+'     '-'    '+&-'
				     contour position
     There is a bug in the standard DOWNSIZE.
     The problem arises when using DOWNSIZE for uniform fields when the
     downsize value is not an exact factor of all the (dimension-1) values
     in X, Y and Z. The result is that spatial positions within field slices
     will be slightly wrong. This will be most noticeable when two contour
     surfaces intersect - the bands will not match exactly. A fixed version
     of the DOWNSIZE module is supplied with the contouring suite, it's
     module name is 'Downsize', the upper case initial is used to distinguish
     it from the standard version.
     The contouring is performed independently for every contour level and
     every cell. The method is a variation of the 'marching cube' approach
     to 3D isosurface generation: a look-up table is maintained for all 
     possible configurations of cells. For each cell-level combination an
     index can be calculated, the index is used to read an entry from the 
     table. The entry will contain the number of lines to be drawn and the 
     pairs of cell vertices which are to be interpolated to provide each 
     contour line vertex. Here is a summary of the algorithm :
         for every contour 
	   calulate level
	   calulate colour
           for every cell
             calculate index
             read number of lines (from look-up table)
             for each line
               for each vertex
                 read cell vertices to interpolate (from look-up table)
                 interpolate along cell edge
                 add point to the contour line 
	       end vertex
	     end line
           end cell
         end contour
     Only the simplest interpolations are performed, so each contour segment is 
     a single vector. Only in the case of saddle points are two disjoint lines
     drawn. The saddle points are resolved by calculating the average value
     at the centre of the cell and using this to determine the direction of
     the contours. Here is an illustration, the cell vertices and the
     centre of the cell are marked with a 'x' if their value is above the 
     contour level and a 'o' if their value is below the contour:
       o   o  
		no contour 
       o   o   
       x/  o      o  \x      o   o      o   o
       /              \      \              /
       o   o      o   o      x\  o      o  /x
       o   o      x | o      o | x      x   x
       -----        |          |        -----
       x   x      x | o      o | x      o   o
       x   o         x/  o         x  \o
         ?    --->   / o /    OR   \ x \     test central value
       o   x         o  /x         o\  x
       o   x         o/  x         o  \x
         ?    --->   / x /    OR   \ o \     test central value
       x   o         x  /o         x\  o
       o/  x       x  \o     x   x      x   x
       /               \     \              /
       x   x       x   x     o\  x      x  /o
       x   x
		no contour 
       x   x    
     The implementation is not well optimized, each interpolation  is 
     performed twice, once for each cell to which the edge belongs.
     See the man page for ISOBAND_SLICE for more information on how the
     algorithm could be optimized. The total time taken for the ISOLINE
     modules is generally much lower than that for the ISOBAND modules,
     so optimization effort should be concentrated on the ISOBAND modules -
     unless you only want isolines !


 a) colour contours with reference to local data range (on the slice)
   GENERATE COLORMAP              READ FIELD       [3D scalar float 3-space]
        	|         		|
                |			|
                |   .-------------------o
                |   |		        |
             COLOR RANGE         	|
                    |   		|
                    `---------------.   |
                                .   |   |
             		        ISOLINE SLICE        [no offset]
  		              GEOMETRY VIEWER
 b) colour contours with reference to global data range (on the whole grid)
     GENERATE COLORMAP                READ FIELD    [3D scalar float 3-space]
	          |         		    |
        	  |   .---------------------o
		  |   |             	    |
		      |             	    |
                      `-----------------.   |
                                    .   |   |
             	                    ISOLINE SLICE       [no offset]
  			         GEOMETRY VIEWER
 c) black contours over a polygon mesh
	                          READ FIELD       [3D scalar float 3-space]
  	  	           ORTHOGONAL SLICER
             .   .   |		        |
             ISOLINE SLICE      FIELD TO MESH 
                  ['+&-']      [Z-scale = 0]
                     |			|
 d) black contours over coloured ISOBANDs  (local colour range).
   GENERATE COLORMAP              READ FIELD       [3D uniform scalar float]
	        |         		|
                |    			|
        	|   .-------------------o
	        |   |    		|
             COLOR RANGE         	|
                    |    		|
                    |   .---------------o
                .   |   |       .   .   |
                ISOBAND SLICE 	ISOLINE SLICE       
                    [N=10]      [N=10]['+&-']
                    '   |               |
   	                     GEOMETRY VIEWER
    The positions of the contour levels in the data range can be shown using
    a FIELD LEGEND module in conjunction with the ISOBAND SLICE module
                    :   .---------------o
                .   |   |               |
                ISOBAND SLICE    	|
                    |   |       	|
                    |   :       	|
                    |           	|      	  
                    |   .---------------o        
	 	    |   |               |
 e) The contour levels can be coordinated with other contour modules, either
    It generates a set of equally spaced data values given a data field input:
                                  READ FIELD       [3D uniform scalar float]
	        |    		        |
     INTERVALS FIELD        	 	|
                |       .---------------o
                |       |               |
                o---------------.       |
                |   .   |       |   .   |
                ISOBAND SLICE 	ISOLINE SLICE       
                    [N=10]      [N=10]['+&-']
                        |               |
   	                    GEOMETRY VIEWER
   ISOLINE SLICE and ISOBAND SLICE modules with the same data input can also 
   be jointly controlled using an INTEGER module, make the 'N' parameter ports
   visible first :
             INTEGER         	 	   |
                |          .---------------o
                |          |               |
                o---------------.          | 
                |  .   .   |    |  .   .   |
                ISOBAND SLICE  	ISOLINE SLICE       
                      [N=10]   [N=10]['+&-']
                           |               |